Setomaa's mild raspberries, bursting with sun-drenched health. Wonderful! In fact, to be honest... too good. Take one, take two, take three, take ten. Then you think, that's enough, I'll save some for later. You walk away for a moment, but miraculously you soon find yourself back at the jar, biscuit in hand. So, based on our experience, we recommend that you put several jars in your basket.
Peppermint tea is a well-known and popular accompaniment to a book or film in the evening. Add raspberries and you have an explosion of flavour! The two go together, they have to go together, just like Romeo and Juliet or butter and honey. PS: Raspberry and peppermint tea goes wonderfully with honey bread, and you can find good honey in our e-shop here.
Smear creamy honey on warm bread. No splatters on the table, no dripping spoon. Everything gets exactly where it needs to be - on the bread and from there into your mouth. And the taste, oh it's so sweet! Every drizzle takes you back to the South Estonian summer: you can feel the taste of linden blossom, raspberry and even chamaenerion.
The oven door opens and the room is filled with the smell of warm baking. A glass of cold milk or a steaming cup of tea is on the table. Everything is almost perfect... but... where is the honey?! So that the lack of honey doesn't spoil these wonderful moments, our honey jars are bigger than before. And the taste, oh it's so sweet! Every drizzle takes you back to the South Estonian summer: you can feel the taste of linden blossom, raspberry and even chamaenerion.
Orange is the colour of warmth, the signature colour of the Children's Foundation, and now our good fairies are wearing the same shade. Enchanting in their delicate beauty, Fairymood's hand-felted fairy princesses radiate peace and kindness that they bring into every home, every room they enter this Christmas.
Kellele ei meeldiks einestada murul? Või nosida kontoris parimaid kodust kaasa võetud palu? Sellesse head sõnumit kandvasse karpi mahub omajagu suupärast ning kõik sissepandu saab hästi hoitud – karp sulgub kindlalt ning on valmistatud igati loodus- ja tervisesõbralikust materjalist (on BPA-vaba). Mõõdud: 19 x 14.4 x 6.3 cm. Maht: 700 ml Toode on pakendatud FSC®-sertifikaadiga kraftpakendisse, mida saab taaskasutada näiteks telefoni hoidja, pliiatsitopsi või lillepotina. PS: mikrolaineahju karpi panna ei tasu ning masinpesust parem on käsipesu.
Meie teame, kuidas lapsed ekraani eest ära meelitada! Panime selleks kokku Mõmmiku plastiliinikomplekti, mis ergutab loovust ja köidab pikaks ajaks. Karbis on kõik vajalik selleks, et mäng lapse endasse haaraks: kahevärviline ja imeliselt lõhnav plastiliin, tempel ja vorm vahvate mõmmikute valmistamiseks ning voolimisalused ja rull. PS: Mõmmiku metallvormiga saab detsembris teha ka oi kui maitsvaid piparkooke !
Miks me armastame Milda plastiliini?
- Lõhnab imeliselt.
- Naturaalsed koostisosad.
- Täiuslikult pehme ka väikeste käte jaoks.
- Säilib 6+ kuud.
- Käsitsi valmistatud Eestis.
- Plastiliin on komposteeruv.
- Keskkonnasõbralikud alumiiniumpurgid, vastupidavad, kerged ja ümbertöödeldavad
- Purgi suurus: 150g.
Hoiustamine: Plastiliini hoiustada originaalpurgis, kuivas ja jahedas kohas. Regulaarne mängimine pikendab plastiliini eluiga!PS! Kuigi plastiliini koostisosad on ohutud, ei ole plastiliin mõeldud suhu panemiseks!